Monday, October 27, 2008

Daily Life

Well, I have been here now for 1 week and have gotten myself into a bit of a routine. I have to say, we definately are leading a pretty nice life here in FIFAland. The daily schedule is posted each morning for us on the board. It tells us what to wear and when we need to be where ever it is that we need to be! For those of you who know me, you know that I am a planner, and so this has been an adjustment for me. I will give you a rundown of what my day is basically like.

Each morning I wake up around 7:30am, by a wakeup call from the frontdesk. They will actually offer to call you back in 10mins if you would like a little snooze, sweet! Then I head upstairs for breakfast, along with my bag of laundy. We are allowed to get up to 6 items a day washed(only our adidas stuff) and it is paid for. I have a quick breakfast of cereal, yogurt, toast, and fruit each morning. I am going to have to change this up a bit because 20 days of this is going to be tough! There are always so many options, but I am trying to have something light.

We board our bus at 8:45am to head out for training at our own private field. It belongs to a private school and we have sole usage of it for the next 3 weeks. It's pretty neat, the field comes with players too...that we use for our technical portion of training. The training consists for 2 parts: fitness (1 hour) and technical (1 hour). During the fitness component we do a warmup, agility training, tempo runs, abdominals, stretching, and a cool down. Our technical sessions focus on mechanics, decision-making, and movement on the field. There are always a few drivers, etc around to help out at these sessions. They bring water and poweraid for us, as well as umbrellas for the instructors!

We usually get back to the hotel around 11:30am. We shower, at least I know I do, and I will check emails, read my blog comments (which I love by the way!),and sometimes I will have a nap. Lunch is between 12:30 and 2pm and always so many food choices.

In the afternoon we have a meeting. The meetings range from technical topics, to tournament stuff, to filling out match reports, and even video quizzes. Yesterday we were given the appointments for the 1st 8 games, but I will talk about that in the next blog.

After the meeting we will go for a walk, take a nap, email, watch TV...whatever... it's free time. Somewhere in there, my laundry magically appears back in my closet, on brand new hangers! Dinner is between 7:30 -9pm. And then I usually get a massage and I'm off to bed. I know, it's a tough life, but someone has to do it!


corbyn10 said...

Hi Michelle,

Glad to hear your first appointment! I did say you would get that game! Do you know if there is anyway of watching the games in Canada??

Thats pretty nice how you get to use the new communication system! But you can't speak to your AR's!!

Talk to you soon


Siob said...

Are you serious pye.. a massage everyday..sounds like a tough life! Good luck on your first game!

S & J :)

PS These bio videos.. not so much.

Taresa said...

Congratulations on your appointment! can't wait to hear about it. Sounds exciting so far for your first week. Time of relaxing a prep.

Unknown said...

Hey Michelle..The way you write..I can see you here in the Main Office telling us the story!...In that picture where you are holding a medal...You look like a flight attendant... =) rock!!!! I am enjoying your trip...eventhough I have to live vicariously through you!....

Anne-Marie xx

joe ciresi said...

Hello Michelle
Thank you for keeping us posted .
welldone on first appointment.
Wish you all the best on your first world cup game .
Joe Ciresi